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You don’t need to wrap them up in bubble wrap!  I promise.

Warm weather is finally here! It is a good time to remember concussion prevention and awareness. We often think of concussions in athletes, but they can happen with any head injury and often without loss of consciousness. Common injuries this time of year are bicycle accidents, skateboards accidents and even sometimes minor falls. It is important that we do all we can to prevent concussions in the first place. All kids should wear properly fitted helmets and other safety gear when playing contact sports, biking, rollerblading, and skateboarding. We cannot prevent every concussion but we can do the best we can to keep our kids safe and minimize serious head trauma.

Unfortunately, kids will be kids and accidents will happen. So, it is essential for parents and coaches to recognize the common signs and symptoms of a concussion so that children can get prompt treatment and cognitive rest. It is important to monitor children even when they seem to feel okay because a concussion is a moving target and symptoms can sometimes develop hours later. When we miss or dismiss such complaints, we put children at risk for recurrence and more prolonged recovery.

Some of the signs and symptoms of concussions are as follows:

  1. Loss of consciousness

  3. Headache

  5. Blurred vision

  7. Difficulty walking or balance issues

  9. Confusion and slurred speech

  11. Decreased responsiveness

  13. Memory loss

  15. Vomiting

  17. Difficulty concentrating

  19. Mood swings

Enjoy the long summer days in the safest way so that there are many more long summer days to come.

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2819 N Parham Rd, Suite 290,
Richmond, VA 23294

Hours:  Monday - Thursday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm


Telephone:   + 804 658 5385

Fax: 804 658 5507


© 2025 Pediatric Headache Center of Richmond