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Why does it feel like there is a bass thumping party in my head? 

You are at your favorite spot on a beautiful day eating a wonderful lunch when your napkin slides off your lap to the ground. You bend down to pick it up and you notice a few beats of a heart in your forehead when you come back upright. Odd, you think to yourself; but go about your day. An hour later you start to notice those same few beats are now present for longer and not seeming to go away the way they had earlier in the day. And, you must have eaten something bad at lunch because now you are feeling sick to your stomach. And, you know what, tired! You feel like you could fall asleep standing up. Well, let me tell you, you are experiencing a migraine most likely. A migraine is an intense throbbing, pounding or stabbing pain typically located on one side of the head and can be associated with nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity and sound sensitivity. You can feel tired before, during and after. You can feel a mental fogginess and be easily distracted during the headache as well. It can be so much more than a headache and can be very disabling. There are different therapies that can try to stop these attacks but these do not always work. Migraines can have a serious impact on work and school, not only in being able to attend but being able to do the work if you are there. So, if you ever have a headache like this contact your doctor or seek out a headache specialist to get treatment quickly before they become a daily issue.

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2819 N Parham Rd, Suite 290,
Richmond, VA 23294

Hours:  Monday - Thursday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm


Telephone:   + 804 658 5385

Fax: 804 658 5507


© 2025 Pediatric Headache Center of Richmond