Believe in yourself first and everything else will follow!
The world today can often make you doubt yourself. You wonder if you are good enough, smart enough, pretty enough. Well, you know what? You already are. It can be hard to dig deep and find that faith you had in yourself when you were younger. But you know what, she/he is still there. That young upstart with a fire in the belly that believed he/she could be a firefighter, astronaut or the President. That spirit always lives inside of you. You need to just remember all the success and not the failures of your life. You need to ignore that voice in your head that says you can’t. It is coming from all those people that are really just jealous that you have the courage to do what they wish they could. That voice is full of bull plop. We need to build that courage, confidence, and energy we once had. Start small. Try one little thing you didn’t think you could do. Maybe that is just opening a jar of pickles on your own and embrace that strength you feel when you hear that lid pop. I know it isn’t much but it is a start. Then go a step bigger. Make a recipe you didn’t think you had the cooking skills to complete. It may burn a little or not quite be the texture you wanted but, hey, you did it! Now, keep going. That goal of astronaut doesn’t seem so far fetched anymore now does it? Confidence looks beautiful on you star!